Jan A. Fuhse
Personal Homepage
1995-2000 | Studies in Political Science (Diplom), Free University Berlin |
1998-1999 | Master in Social and Political Thought, Warwick University (UK) |
March 2007 | Dr. phil (Sociology), Universität Stuttgart, doctoral thesis: "Ethnicity, Acculturation, and Inter-ethnic contacts of Italian migrants in Germany" |
October 2011 | Habilitation (Sociology), University of Bielefeld, cumulative thesis on "Social Networks with Meaning" |
Academic positions
2000-2007 | Academic Assistant (Sociological Theory, Social Inequality), Institute of Social Sciences, Universität Stuttgart |
2007-2008 | Feodor Lynen-Fellow (post-doc), Paul Lazarsfeld Institute for the Social Sciences, Columbia University, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation |
2008-2009 | Feodor Lynen-Fellow (post-doc), International Center for Cultural and Technological Research (IZKT), Universität Stuttgart |
2009-2013 | Assistant Professor (Political Sociology), Department of Sociology, University of Bielefeld |
2013-2018 | Heisenberg Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin (funded by the German Research Association) |
Summer 2019 | Interim Professor of Sociology, University of Passau |
Winter 2019-20 | Interim Professor of Communication and Media Studies, University of Bremen |
Summer 2021 | Researcher in Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen |
Winter 2020-21, Winter 2022-23 | Interim Professor of Sociology with a Focus on Migration and Urban Studies, University of Bremen |
Winter 2021 - Summer 22, Summer 2023 | Interim Professor of Sociology with a Focus on Labor and Organization, Chemnitz University of Technology |
Organization of Conferences
April 2007 | "Gegenwärtige Zukünfte: Technik und Gesellschaft in der Science Fiction der Gegenwart", International Center for Cultural and Technological Research, Universität Stuttgart |
September 2008 | "Relational Sociology - Transatlantic Impulses for the Social Sciences", Berlin Graduate School of Social Science, Humboldt University of Berlin (with Sophie Mützel) |
May 2009 | "Kultur und Kommunikationstechnologien in sozialen Netzwerken", International Center for Cultural and Technological Research, Universität Stuttgart (with Christian Stegbauer) |
May 2016 | "Netzwerke in gesellschaftlichen Feldern", Berlin Graduate School of Social Science, Humboldt University of Berlin (with Karoline Krenn). |
March 2018 | "Sozialwissenschaftliche Netzwerkforschung. Wieso, weshalb, wohin?", CvO University Oldenburg (with Sebastian Schnettler). |
Service to the Community
Occasional Reviewer for:
American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Communication Theory, Digithum, European Journal of Social Theory, Global Networks, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Medien Journal, Poetics, Polish Sociological Review, Politics and Governance, Quality & Quantity, Royal Society Open Science, Social Forces, Social Networks, Social Psychology Quarterly, Socio-Economic Review, Sociological Forum, Sociological Perspectives, Socio-logical Theory, Soziale Systeme, Soziale Welt, Theory & Society, Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung, Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement, Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Oxford University Press, Palgrave MacMillan
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, German National Academic Foundation, German Research Foundation, Swiss National Research Fund, Italian Ministry for Education, Universities, and Research, Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Foundation
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