Jan A. Fuhse

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University of Leipzig
Institute of Sociology
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig

jan [at] fuhse [dot] net
Starting in October 2024, I am working as lecturer of sociology with a focus on computational social science and qualitative methods at University of Leipzig.

Recent publications:

"Networks from culture: Mechanisms of tie-formation follow institutionalized rules in social fields" (with Neha Gondal), Social Networks 77 (2024), 43-54 (special issue on "Network Ecology").

"Relational Sociology: Networks, Culture, and Interaction" (with Ann Mische) in: John McLevey / John Scott / Peter Carrington (eds.): The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, 2nd Edition, London: Sage 2023, 55-71.

"Stitching the Social World: The Processing of Multiple Social Structures in Communication", Socius 9 (2023).

"Analyzing networks in communication: a mixed methods study of a political debate" Quality & Quantity 57 (2023), 1207-1230.

"How can theories represent social phenomena?", Sociological Theory 40/2 (2022), 99–123.

Social Networks of Meaning and Communication, New York: Oxford University Press 2022.
Here is a poster I made about the book for the EUSN conference 2021.